Greetings from Zimbabwe! Winter has arrived! Crisp, fresh mornings and hot afternoons before the temp drops to around 9c at night, the children have all returned to school for 2nd term and have settled in wonderfully well.
Greetings from an extremely hot and dry Zimbabwe! It was 18c degrees at 5:30am and it’s now 30c at Midday. It’s seriously hot and sticky with loads of mosquitoes at night!
We have had almost no rain for months now and drought is widespread throughout the country and region. Please pray our God will bring relief to the many who are suffering in these days.
Greetings from a mild and dry Zimbabwe! It was 9 degrees C at 5:30am and it’s now 24c at it’s warming up even though this is our wintertime!
Dear Friends of Jabulani, Greetings from a hot, dry and drought ridden Zimbabwe, we pray you are well and enjoying our Lord Jesus Christ. We have had a good start to 2024 with everyone back at school and exams galore on the horizon. Grace is in her O level year and is exceptionally busy studying and doing extra lessons to help her get the required results to continue onward toward her goal of sitting A levels, please pray for her, she is struggling with Math and ICT and needs to really work hard for the required results.
t’s high Summer, the temps are in the mid 80’s and we have had our first rains already. The children have just finished school today for the Summer holidays and Dorothy and I are looking forward to rest and fun having just returned to JABULANI after a wonderful fundraising trip to USA and a quick drop-in to our family in Northern Ireland!
Greetings from Jabulani Zimbabwe!
It’s Autumn now and Winter is fast approaching with colder mornings and nights but still mid 70’sF during the daytime, we are in full swing in our mid-school term and it’s all systems go for our precious children.
Grace, Blessing, Hope and Joseph are fully involved at Maranatha HS, they are studying well and would love to get better results in their exams, please pray they will understand all they are taught and will be able to produce what is needed in the exams ahead. It has been a great few months with these older children, our greatest goal in bringing all our children into our lives was that they would put their faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ, so what a joy it was to baptism these 4 in April when our Grandson Daniel visited us from South Africa.