Today there are 11 children in Jabulani, Kuda, Grace, Hope, Blessing, Joseph, Faith, Esther, Sarah, Hannah, Ruth and Abigail who have been given a second chance at life and are part of our family.
Grace continues to bless us all with her wisdom and general loveliness! She has worked well in school and her results have improved greatly, Grace sits her O levels this year and we are praying and believing for great thing, please pray for her as there is a lot of pressure put on the students by the school. Grace plays in the school hockey team and is a member of the debating society, she is a great help at home with the small girls when they are doing their homework also, we know God has great plans for our trail blazing young lady.
Blessing has finished her 2nd year in Maranatha HS and has had a good year, she has blossomed into a quiet and mature young lady and is more confident and outgoing in her everyday life. Blessing is the oldest girl in Aunt Debby’s house and is a kind young lady to the other girls there, she loves Youth club and Church events and is an active volunteer on the media team. Blessing has found the school work quite difficult in year 2 and we would ask you to please pray for greater understanding to gain better results in the coming year, she is planning on sitting her O-levels in 2 years’ time and will have to work very hard to accomplish the results she desires.
Hope is still organising everyone, leading the way and letting everyone know she is around! Full of energy and with a desire to please she is a hard worker and continues to work well at school and has improved some of her results, but hard work is still needed ahead. Hope is determined to succeed and get on in life, because of her organisational skills she wants to go into event planning, she has a love for God and shares a room with Abigail and is a very loving and kind sister to her being very protective and always hugging and helping her. We are believing for a great year ahead for Hope as she enters Form 3 at Maranatha HS. Hope is quite the fashionista, and loves dressing up!
Sarah has had a great year at school and has enjoyed Grade 6 very much attaining good results and commendation from her teachers. Sarah is a very good dancer and singer and is not shy about sharing her talents, she is in the Chinese class and has learned how to speak and sing in Chinese and loves to learn, she is also playing hockey for the school team and a smiling member of the Church hospitality team. We believe if Sarah really applies herself she will excel as she enters her final year at Maranatha PS in Grade 7 prior to moving to High School in 2025. We pray Sarah will continue to enjoy her school work and focus on what she does best.
Hannah continues to challenge us in so many areas, she can be the sweetest child but gets moody and angry very quickly, she is quite untidy and leaves everything at her backside, there is a lot more work with Hannah than the other children but she has done well at school this past year and improved her scores.. Hannah is in the school soccer and swimming teams and also enjoys the Brownie Club while also being in the greeting team at Church. If Hannah gets a hold of God then great things can happen in her life, she need to focus on the positives and work hard in Grade 7 at Maranatha PS this year.
Ruth is a beautiful, kind and happy girl, she is growing in every area of her life and is a blessing to everyone she meets. Sweet and open, tenderhearted and fun loving she is working well at school and with hard work can achieve the grades she needs in Grade 7 before transferring to High School in 2025. Please pray specifically for Ruth to really catch up on her Maths which she finds very difficult. Ruth is on the school netball and swimming teams and loves Brownies Club, she makes friends wherever she goes and is a compassionate and loving child.
Abigail our youngest child continues to develop in every area of her life, she has done very well at school and is fully involved in the Brownie Club, and book reading club. She has good leadership skills, is a quiet, well-behaved and studious girl who wants to succeed and also has a great love of all food! Abi has a desire to be the best in all she does and is a studious and conscientious student, who loves Church and reading her Bible. She is on the swim team and also plays hockey for the school team. Abigail is loved by everyone she meets, a precious child.
Our only boy Joseph is a smart, handsome, funny and articulate young man, he is always helpful and gets along very well considering he is surrounded by girls! Joseph has his own self-contained apartment at Jabulani and is very happy, he loves basketball and is a big Warriors fan, a mad Liverpool supporter he enjoys watching the games with Dad and he gets very excited when we win. Joseph has been working well at school and has no problems there and has worked very hard to improve his grades, he has a big year ahead in Form 3 prior to sitting his O levels in 2025. Joe is very involved in youth club and runs all the video and multimedia at Church.. a smart lad!
It’s amazing to think that our dear Kuda was only given weeks to live after she was born and will now be 16 years old in December! God has been good to Kuda and us, she is severely challenged with cerebral palsy since birth and has little movement or speech but she is the heart of Jabulani! Everyone loves Kuda and when she is happy to receive guests, she is very content most of the time but gets upset when things aren’t going her way. Kuda likes her own company, listening to music and singing and humming along, she lets us know where she is in the house by shouting loudly and long! How we love this precious girl.
Faith has again had a challenging year at school and struggled with Maths especially but has improved in some of her other subjects, she is very keen to learn and succeed and her Teacher is helping her develop her skills and concentration levels prior to moving up to Grade 7. Faith is a sweet and gentle young lady, quiet and a great help to the Aunties, she causes no problems and is highly thought of by her friends, she is a good swimmer and enjoys Brownies club and also greeting people at Church as part of their team. Faith really needs prayer for her school exams up ahead.
Esther is a bundle of energy who is always running singing and playing at 100 miles an hour! She is a well-spoken young lady with a big voice who loves to sing songs to the Lord as well as songs from movies. She has had a great year at school and done very well, she is eager to continue to succeed in Grade 7 and studies very conscientiously, she is very smart. Esther plays hockey for the school team and doesn’t like losing, she always wants to win at everything she does and has a great trust in God, she has fulfilled her ambition and is now singing at the front of the Church in the band.