Friends of JABULANI, we trust you are well and in good, safe health. What strange days we live in, we travelled back to Zimbabwe on 20 September via Dublin, Frankfurt, Addis Ababa and finally Zimbabwe and had to go to a private quarantine lodge as soon as we arrived for a COVID test and overnight stay while we waited on the results.
Thankfully we are COVID clear and were released to go home to JABULANI, praise God! After receiving a huge welcome from the kids and staff we then self isolated for a week in our house on the property and then set about integrating again into JABULANI and Zim life...easier said than done!
Everything changes even if you leave Zim for a week, the bank rates, the finance rates, the internet rates, the food prices, rates, water...everything changes and we have been running around trying to get things turned on and fixing other things that have broken since we left etc, it’s very stressful and difficult but the Lord has helped us praise God!
The children are all doing well, there has been some issues at JABULANI since we left but God is with us, His word to us before we left was Chronicles 20:12 “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you” when situations arise that we don’t have the power to fix, Our eyes are onto our God! He is our protector and provider, He will not fail us Amen
Please continue to pray for our children, they have all been receiving schooling online through Google classroom etc and Whatsapp and Zoom classes but are really missing classes. Grace returned to school this week to get ready for her High School transfer test in early December, she did well in her mock exams and has been promoted to being chief school monitor ...she’s some girl is our Grace! The grade 6 children, Blessing, Hope, Daniel and Joseph return on Oct 26 and we are not sure about our Grade 3 kids yet...please pray for them all.
Dorothy celebrated her 65th birthday in August and ran 65k because she can, and I hit 68 years young on 3 October..we thank God for great health.
We need your help!
Because we have had a 3 year drought here our borehole has unfortunately dried up just this week. With 20 people onsite this is going to cause us serious problems with no water so we have approached a company who have given us a great price of US$6500 to drill an 80 meter deep borehole ( our present one is just 40 meter which has been great but the drought has finished us ). Would you be able to help us financially to drill this borehole ASAP, we have asked God and are now telling His people, this would be a tremendous blessing to us if you can help in any way. God bless you. Just contact me on
We are praying and thanking God for all you friends who pray, give and love on us all here at JABULANI, Dorothy and I had a fab time with our children Mandy and Gary and their precious families while in Ireland, we miss them so much but know God has us here for such a time as this! OUR EYES ARE ONTO HIM ALONE!
Much love, Alan and Dorothy