Dear Friends of Jabulani,
Greetings from a wet Zimbabwe! We have had drought in many parts of our country for a number of years so we give thanks to God for an abundance of rain and the blessing of new life throughout the land! Praise the Lord!
We have been in ongoing lockdown now for many months, Dorothy and I have been here at Jabulani since September 2020 and only going out for shopping. Businesses have closed, borders have closed, restaurants etc just like the rest of the world. It has been very stressful but we praise God that COVID 19 has not been as devastating here as in other parts of the world.
On the 1st March 2021 we had zero deaths and only 14 new cases, thank God for His protection and help for us and the children and staff at Jabulani, He alone is our protector.
We have had quite the beginning to this year...Grace started High School and needed a new computer as it is all online teaching, we have 4 children in Grade 7 they needed 2 computers so they can learn, we have 6 children in Grade 4..another 2 computers! Unlimited WiFi, which costs a fortune here BUT GOD has been so faithful, He has helped us and provided everything we have needed, what a God! He never fails us, He is a God that provides all our needs according to His riches in Grace by Christ Jesus!
We are so grateful for all you friends and your love, support and prayers that enable us to continue day by day in a very difficult situation! Hallelujah!
Grace did very well in her final exams, Hope has been promoted to be a prefect at school and can’t wait to get back to school to do the job! As many of you know home schooling is no easy task BUT GOD has been with us, our staff have really stepped up and with the help of God things are now into a daily routine where much work is being accomplished, and the children are all coping quite well. Praise the Lord!

Blessing and Hope had their 12th birthdays along with with Esther’s 9th. The years are flying by, we have a house full of young ladies and young men. There are lots of things to teach and address, please ask God to give us the insight and wisdom to cope and deal with all the stuff that is going on, we need His help very much.
We have had a number of staff changes in the past few months, Mel and Kuda have left Jabulani, Kuda is married now and having a baby in the next few weeks, we have employed two new carers Tina and Anna.
Please pray they and the children will settle down well together, it’s always difficult for the children when a long term carer leaves but these are lovely ladies who we believe will love and bless our children. May God bless all you dear friends, we love you and thank God for you.
As you may have seen, I am releasing my book ‘The Good News Man’ in April and if you would like to pre order a copy please click on the link below.
Thank you to those friends who have already ordered.
Much love to you all, keep praying for us as we pray for you. In Christ Alone,
Alan and Dorothy