Dear Friends,
Greetings and best wishes from your Jabulani family! We trust you are in good health and surviving the virus wherever you are in the world. Everyone is well at Jabulani and God has been helping us in so many ways during these difficult days.
Dorothy and I had planned on moving to Ireland for a few months to spend time with our children and grandchildren but all our flights were cancelled due to the pandemic and we had resigned ourselves to stay at Jabulani with our children for the duration!
We started our Zim lockdown by organizing the days with online schoolwork, exercise and downtime for all 19 of us, our staff couldn’t leave the property at all so we weren’t lonely.. what precious days. God has knit us all closer together and we have had a fantastic time living and loving together!
As many of you are aware the medical situation is different in the developing world and our children in Ireland were encouraging us to try and return to Ireland but all flights out of the country had stopped. Dorothy and I along with the rest of Zimbabwe were praying for our nation that corona would not get a foothold and decimate the population. We then started to receive mail from the British Embassy saying they were organising repatriation flights to UK.
After much prayer and discussion with our staff and friends we were able to secure seats after 3 weeks of waiting and we left Jabulani in the capable hands of our manager Mel and our local board with everything ie food, bills, fuel etc set in place for us to leave stress free!
We self isolated for 2 weeks and are now able to be with our kids here in Carrickfergus in Northern Ireland albeit at social distance. It has been great to see them all again and also to Facetime our Jabu kids twice a week and get daily messages to encourage and bless us!
God is good!
So our Jabu kids are working at home and doing well, our staff are all healthy and the virus has not come near Jabulani praise God! There have been around 50 cases recorded in Zimbabwe up to now and there are very stringent rules in place to stop the spread of corona virus. |Please pray God will protect our nation, without God this could be a total catastrophe, may many find our Lord during these very strange days.
Grace is working hard in preparation for her transfer tests prior to moving to High School next year, please pray for her she has lots of work! Kuda, Joshua and Ruth who all have medical conditions are very happy, safe and content thank God! All the small girls are very creative and alongside work they are singing, dancing and performing stage plays etc..
They are something else and ably assisted by their big sisters and brothers.
Hannah celebrated her 8th birthday this week with a superb cake supplied by our friend Sylvia and she had a great day, thanks for your kind messages and love, she is doing very well.
So please be assured of our prayers for you all, we thank God for you , for your prayers and love and financial.. we couldn’t do it without you.. and God. Much love,
Alan and Dorothy